Integrate SNAP ANPR® with an Access Control System

Integrate SNAP ANPR® with an Access Control System

  • We have integrated our SNAP Pro processors with many access control systems and there are generally  three main ways you may wish to combine these systems:-
    • Synchronise the ANPR system with the access control system database so that only a single list of authorised users needs to be managed by the customer
    • Enable the ANPR system to send Weigand data to an access door controller so that the access control system is aware of a user’s vehicle entering or leaving the car park
    • Provide very secure site access by requiring each vehicle to have a matched license plate and access token. This approach can also be used to increase the security of vehicles leaving a site, particularly useful for high value plant or cargo.
  • Please contact us to discuss any of these options as some will require additional hardware interfaces.



